Last night I dreamed I went into the bathroom, picked up a
lighter and my hairbrush and proceeded to burn the hair off on the side of my
head. I then casually threw my remaining hair up into pigtails and exited the
WTF? I casually exited the bathroom?
My subconscious apparently doesn’t know me at all.
Perhaps it has completely forgotten about the time that I
accidentally shaved my eyebrow in half, resulting in a meltdown that involved
about a hundred different eyeliner pencils and the contemplation of gluing dyed
bits of cotton ball to my face to fill in the gaps. It wasn’t pretty.
Or maybe that time that I got overly ambitious and
immediately regretful over some freakishly red lip stain. The more I tried to
remove it, the worse it got. Things went from “Wow, that’s really red” to “Oh
God, I look like the Joker after a couple dozen cherry Otter Pops” within
seconds. Long story short, I ended up spending much of my afternoon that day, slathered
in shame and ruby lips stain, scrubbing the epidermis off of my face.